G-Rollz | 2x 'Strawberry Pop' Pre-Rolled Hemp Cones (12 Pack Display, 24 Cones)

G-Rollz | 2x 'Strawberry Pop' Pre-Rolled Hemp Cones (12 Pack Display, 24 Cones)
G-Rollz | 2x 'Strawberry Pop' Pre-Rolled Hemp Cones (12 Pack Display, 24 Cones)
G-Rollz | 2x 'Strawberry Pop' Pre-Rolled Hemp Cones (12 Pack Display, 24 Cones)

Each pack contains 2 pre-rolled hemp cones, expertly crafted into a cone shape and featuring a spiral filter. Every display holds 12 packs.

These G-Rollz cones are made from premium, organic Spanish hemp that offers exceptional tear resistance and moisture retention. This makes filling the wraps a seamless experience, eliminating issues of tearing or cracking.

Variety: Strawberry Bop

The authenticity of each pack can be individually verified through a QR code scan.

For prices, please
  • PR1521A-DIS

  • Color: Red
    Carton: 24
    Material: Leaf
    Brand: Grollz Pets Rock
    Size: King Size